Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu are all Pokemon from the Pokemon franchise and are part of the same family. Pikachu in particular is the mascot, and was the main character of the animated series for 20+ years. They are electric rodents, that store electricity in their cheeks and release them through their tail. They use to electricity to ward away danger and cook food.
A egg hatches a Pichu, which evolves to a Pikachu, and then a Kantoian or Alolan Raichu based on habitats. For Pikachu and Kantonian Raichu, the female’s tail has a heart/snip respectively. There’s also Mimikyu, a Pokemon that dresses like a Pikachu. It’s true form is said to be scary, so it dresses a other Pokemon to look friendlier.
I collect various chu memorabilia as a hobby because I grew up with the Pokemon franchise. Since Pikachu is the mascot, there are many different kinds of chu memorabilia so I created a inventory of it so I can keep what I have in check.
The chus left to right: The Pichu Bros., Pikachu, Raichu, Alolan Raichu, and Mimikyu. Click on one to see the related items.